Beiträge von Rey_a


    my guesses are

    1) Schlüssellose Verriegelung/Entriegelung
    When this setting is on, and when the keycard is detected by the car, the car can be locked or unlocked by pressing the button on one of the front doors. The car can also can be unlocked by pressing the button on the trunk.
    When this setting is off, these buttons will not lock/unlock the car.

    2) Entriegeln bei Annäherung/Verriegelung beim Entfernen
    When this setting it on, the car will automiatically unlock when detecting the keycard and lock when the keycard is no longer visible.
    When this setting is off, the car will not automatically lock or unlock.

    When both 1) and 2 ) are off, the car can only be locked/unlocked by pressing a button on the keycard.

    3) Automatische Neuverriegellung der Türen

    I am not sure about this one. Maybe what you write is correct but it could also mean: When on, the car will automatically lock itself again after it has been unlocked but no door or trunk was opened after a given time.

