Alles anzeigenHello Helmut,
Even electrical equipment does not avoid CO2. They have a fat CO2 backpack, partly due to the production of the batteries. It is pointless to believe that electricity is only produced sustainably.
In Austria, around 80% of electricity is produced by hydropower. This is not the case in all states. In many countries, electricity is produced using coal and gas. That will not change any time soon and cannot be influenced by Europe. Nuclear power is clean, but not without controversy.
There are still official hurdles when installing PV systems. Due to the protection of the old town, it is also impossible to use the numerous roofs across the board to generate electricity.
The issue of wind turbines and the destruction of forests through access roads and the concreting of areas for foundations is also harmful to the environment. Power lines have to be laid and, in turn, substations have to be built on untouched land. As if there wasn't already enough space built up. I consider the use of PV in already built-up areas to be much more sensible.
The hysteria, which is becoming increasingly visible, is giving rise to attractive business models. Do they necessarily protect the environment?
How about not throwing away, but repairing?
Electric vehicles will probably become disposable items. A defective battery after ten years or more is an economic total loss. Even repairing the battery will probably exceed the current value of the vehicle.
This will be reinforced by upcoming new technologies. Nobody will want today's technology anymore, just as you won't want to drive a first generation electric vehicle anymore because the range is a joke compared to today.
Best regards
Ja, Sie haben einen sensiblen Punkt getroffen!
Nach allem, was ich gesehen habe, ist die Art und Weise, wie die Akkus von Model 3 und Model Y aufgebaut sind, grundsätzlich nicht reparierbar. Zweitens, da sie das Gigacasting nutzen, ist das Auto im Falle einer Beschädigung dieser Teile ein Totalschaden. Und es muss kein Totalschaden am Auto sein, denn die Tesla-Reparaturen sind wahnsinnig teuer. Youtube und die Foren sind voller Geschichten.
Meiner Meinung nach macht Tesla zwar Autos billiger, aber eine Reparatur kommt in vielen Fällen nicht in Frage, da die Versicherungsgesellschaften nicht bereit sind, hohe Reparaturkosten zu zahlen.